Friday, January 2

10 Tips Securing Computers When you're in Holidays

Holiday has arrived, many workers choose kantoran take leave to spend a holiday at the end of the year. This means that tens and even hundreds of desktop computers in the office do not have nothing sir. 

Make sure your computer is safe in the office or at home, so keep quiet holiday. Somehow left the laptop in the office or home, or take a vacation, you need to pay attention to the following: 

1. Before leaving the office or home, make sure the computer and the monitor is not active in the circumstances. If the computer must standby so that you can work remotely, at least turn off the monitor. 

2. Let safe, pull the plug that connects the computer with the power source. In addition to minimize bad things such as korslet, also in order to save electricity. 

3. Turn off and pull the plug on your computer equipment, such as a printer, Uninteruptible Power Supply (UPS), speakers, and other computer equipment. Do not forget to also turn off the alarm hours in order not to disrupt the other employees who picket duty in the office during vacation. 

4. Back up data in the computer or server before the holiday. This will be useful if a malfunction occurred when the system is causing lost data. 

5. Disconnect (disconnect) computer network access to all your workstations and servers. Turn off the modem to access a server or workstation. 

6. Do not forget to lock the door of the room so that you secure your computer equipment. 

For the laptop to use: 

7. Do not leave the laptop in the car if you do not intend to bring a laptop while on holiday. Save your laptop in a safe place. 

8. If you intend to bring a laptop while on holiday with the plane, do not enter the laptop into the boot, but take it to pieces. 

9. Ensure the laptop is dead or at least in a position to bring before hibernation and laptop on the go. 

10. Do not put a pile of goods on the laptop. Too heavy a burden on the laptop can cause damage your laptop. Moreover spill drinks on the laptop.


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