Sunday, January 4 the favorite sites in 2008

2008, recently passed away, accompanied by high social media sites that have been increasing. Whether the site is the most visited during the past year? 

A study conducted by comScore released a list of twenty social media sites is the most visited during 2008. According to comScore, social networking and blog service that offers still control the market. 

At the top position, memuncakinya successful. With the number of visitors reached 222 million during January to November, place the Google service besutan became the top. 

The number of unique visitor from all over the world this is a significant hikes, the rise of 44 percent from last year. It is reported that TechCruch, Friday (2/1/2009). 

In the second position, successfully stolen by Facebook, a social networking site that is telly, with the amount of area that touches 220 million. This is a dramatic leap from last year at 116 percent. Can be said, though newcomers called the most successful. 

Stalk in the third and fourth position, occupied by MySpace and WordPress satisfied with 126 million visitors and 114 million. Windows Live Space thus must swallow bitter pill in 2008, after anjlok Raised with 22 percent of visitors by 87 million.


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