Friday, November 14

10 Tips Save Energy On The PC and Laptops (1)

Below are ten tips that you can use to save energy on the pc and laptop.

1. Set the lighting and contrast monitor  Perhaps for the beginner or the public in using the computer, they rarely consider their monitor settings. The definition in this case is the level of lighting and contrast are set too high will be able to spend a lot of energy. But for that you should be able to set the lighting and contrast, adjust for lighting and monitor the use of contrast button under the monitor.

2. Turn off the monitor  Tips to two is to turn the monitor, especially the monitor is a kind of CRT (Cathode Ray Tubel), because these types of monitors to consume more electricity. So, if you want to leave the PC in a long time, you should turn off the monitor.  You can also menyetting Windows to automatically direct die in a certain time, it can be done in a way, click "Control Panel-Options". In the "Power Options Properties" click the tab "Power schemes". Then click the arrow on the "Power schemes" and select "Home / Office desk." Then select the desired time on the "Turn Off Monitor" and click the "Apply" and "OK".

3. Turn off the Hard disk  Although we are not doing anything on the computer, but your data will always be read from the hard disk (by the operating system and some applications). For this reason, the hard disk hard disk will be continuously rotating, and of course this energy will be spent. If you want to leave your PC in a long time, then you should turn off your PC's hard disk. In the "Power Options Properties" tab and click on "Power Schmes." Click on the arrow on the "Power schemes" and select "Home / Off desk." Then click "Turn off hard disks" and select the time. Then click the "Apply" and "scary".

4. Turn off other equipment  Matikanlah other equipment, such as, speakers, external modems, scanners, Zip drives and printers. Because the equipment is to spend a lot of energy. Often people leave the equipment is switched on, even when we are out in a long time.

5. Hibernate mode  Hibernate mode is the facility to shut down, but not close or turn off applications that are open before us. This can be done by Mode "Hibernating." With this mode, the contents of main memory (RAM) will be stored in the hard disk. How do hibernate mode is as follows, in "Power Options" Click the tab "Hibernating." Then click the box near the "Enable Hibernation". Also click on the "Advanced" tab. In the section "When I Press the power button," then click on the panahnya then click "Hibernating." Click "Apply" and "scary". Then press the "Power" on your computer.Hibernate mode is functioning, press the "Power" once again, your computer will automatically open and the applications you have open overnight. resources from klik-kanan


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