6. Standby mode In order to save energy, should the monitors and hard disks are in the most low in the standby mode. If you want to leave the PC briefly, should enable the standby mode. However, you should know is, when the active standby mode data that can not save your damaged or lost if your PC damage. Should first save the data or documents you before you activate the standby mode. The standby mode can be done in a way, click the "Start-Turn Off computer" and click the "uses".
7. Use UPS UPS always use the tool, because this tool can help rescue the data or shut down the electricity when the death occurred. To manage the UPS equipment and configure the equipment was "Power Option Properties" and select the tab UPS. The status of the UPS tab displays the estimated number of minutes that can be supported by UPS to your PC. Actually a lot ways to configure UPS, but this depends on the model and capacity of UPS used.
8. Laptop Batteries If you are downloading a charge the laptop battery, make sure the charge is completed. Because the charge by half and then resumes, it will consume even more energy. If you want to travel, you should always take the battery tambaha. To save battery usage. You can utilize the feature, Hibernate / Suspended or use the electric socket that is connected to the outlet.
9. USB Port If you menggunaka when the laptop and then you enter into a USB port on the laptop, should have been completed immediately if it is released. Because the equipment is still stuck in the USB port, it can also spend energy on your PC or laptop. Should release it when pemakainnya is enough.
10. Scheme Energy Consumption Laptops Usually producers laptop also includes features and power management software. This software is very useful for the consumer laptop, because the software is able to manage the use of battery power and electricity are used. In this software there are several options that can be used to know the burden of the hard disk and other energy that is used by the laptop. Among them know the processor speed or monitor the lighting right to be able to save the battery. This software also can become a supervisor for us to use the laptop.resources from klik-kanan
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